Friday, May 31, 2019

A birthday wish for Yael!

I decided to dedicate a blog post to my favorite actress Yael Grobglas because today is her birthday and she is a wonderful woman inside and out. I found out about Yael when I stumbled across a soap opera/ telenovela called Jane the Virgin a few months ago when looking through Netflix. After the first episode I was hooked and little did I know I was actually going to love the show so much that it would become my favorite show ever. There is a lot of crazy stuff that happens and what not because it is a telenovela after all, but Yael does a phenomenal job of playing her character Petra and giving her all. I was instantly captivated by her big blue eyes when i first watched the show and then i noticed how complex her character was. Her character seemed evil at first but once I learned her backstory and saw her grow through the seasons it became apparent that Petra was trying to navigate herself through a crazy life. Yael literally becomes Petra Solano whenever she is acting and she in my opinion(and most others agree) is the best actress on the show. I can’t wait to see where she goes next and for the moment when she becomes the star of her own show.

I admire Yael as a person for many reasons, besides her good acting. I love that she is not afraid to share about her faith in God and the fact that she is Jewish. A lot of Hollywood doesn’t like it when you share your faith, but Yael does unapologetically and that is beautiful. I also think she is gorgeous… I’ve always been drawn to blue eyes, especially big ones, and I love how funny she is. Yael adores animals, especially cats, and I feel drawn to her as a person because that tells me she has a big heart. Animal lovers are the best kind of people afterall. I feel like when I get to meet her one day(I say when because I like to make my dreams a reality) we will goof off and enjoy delicious food while playing with my dogs and her cats(after I take benadryl for my allergies lol). The way to Yael’s heart is food, so take note if you want to impress her hahahaha. But yeah I just adore her because of all of who she is and God made a wonderful masterpiece when he designed her. Yael I want you to always know how much you are loved!

You already know some about me because of all the dog pics I send you and because of the blog posts I’ve made that you have read. Thank you for taking time out of your day to acknowledge me and read means the world to me, really. It also made my year that you liked and replied to many of my tweets around my birthday after I told you it would make me the happiest girl in the world. Your love and admiration for your fans is probably the biggest reason you are my #1 fav actress. While we haven’t gotten to meet yet I know we would be good friends because Idk I can just know/ feel when someone will be an important part of my life and internet brings people together. I met one of my best friends on a Christian blogging group and I never dreamed we would have so much in common. I have written about her before but she is amazing and the big sister I had always longed for. We talk on the phone at least once a month and she is always making sure to encourage me and vice versa. So I believe friendships can be made with anyone and anywhere.

A few quick other things about me is that I also love love love good food, the beach is my favorite place in the world, and I am happiest spending with people I love and animals. I also love to swim, shop, board games,  hike, explore and travel, and basically anything fun lol. I really enjoy having deep conversations about life sometimes or just being ridiculously silly because you've got to live and enjoy life! I hope to visit LA one of these days as I have never been before and I really would love to visit Israel!! So ya, I hope your birthday has been awesome and thank you for being you. God bless xoxo

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