Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Hope in these weary days

                              My mom and I my freshman year of college on mothers day 
                                        My mom and I on Mother's day my freshman year of college. Just wanted to share :) 

Hello everyone. Sorry it’s been a minute; my health has been a bit crazy as I have been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, and am navigating that. I’ve also been getting to know some new friends, which has been wonderful. A lot of current events have been weighing on my heart lately, as many of them point to the times we are living in, and are giving me a sense of urgency for sharing the love and truth of Jesus with you while I am still here to do so. Today I want to share and encourage you about how you can be certain that your future will be bright and full of God’s never ending love, joy, and blessings both on this earth and in the afterlife. I want to share how you can be certain that you are going to Heaven and that even now you can have God leading your steps, planning good for your life. There is only one way to Heaven and that is through accepting Christ Jesus as our Lord and Savior, and this gift is available to all of us. I want to share some of my testimony with you, as well as God’s Truths and let you know what is yet to come. I know many of you are well aware that our world is getting worse and worse. Natural disasters are ramping up, pestilence is taking over the world (Covid19), and violence is continually growing more and more prominent. This is very discouraging even for us believers because while we know this won’t last forever, we hate to see all of the suffering going on in this broken world. Christ followers after all are still human, and thus still feel the weight of this world on our shoulders, the sorrows, and we still even make mistakes because God is perfect, not us. What simply sets us apart is that we have decided to accept Jesus and want to show the world how that has changed our lives and how it can change yours too. More than anything, I want everyone I meet, especially those I have gotten to know well, to know the love of Jesus and to know they are going to Heaven one day just like I am.

In Matthew 24, Jesus speaks of what times will be like when his return is near. As each day goes by, especially since 2020, I find myself seeing these words become more and more of our reality.

And Jesus answered them, “See that no one leads you astray. For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and they will lead many astray. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are but the beginning of the birth pains. Matthew 24:4-8 ESV

Currently, we have a lot of people who claim to be God himself or have a special message that only God has told them. Think about certain religions, televangelists, and anyone who has some sort of fame. Some Hollywood stars and politicians claim themselves to be God. New age beliefs say that we all are “God” and that we have his powers. But that is false because to be God we would need to be perfect, omnipotent, and loving always. We did not create ourselves, and we are flawed, which means we are human beings. Some televangelists say that God has given them a special message that if you give them your money, God will make you wealthy. They don’t even teach anything out of the Bible, other than doctrine of good feelings and also manipulation. They use their power to get rich off of you, which is not Godly. That is greed and awful manipulation. A true Christ following pastor wants to reach the lost with God’s Truth, sharing how we all are broken and in need of a savior. A true pastor and leader is selfless and does not strive to be overly wealthy because they know God will provide for them and that being wealthy is a hedonistic desire. There is nothing wrong with being wealthy if the Lord has blessed one that way. But trust me, deceiving people is not blessed by God and those are the false prophets God mentions in his Word. They will not inherit the kingdom of God and will be punished for leading many astray. As time goes one, we see more and more of these false prophets appearing, and sadly many follow them blindly.

As for wars and rumors of wars, we have had so much war over the last 50 years or more. However, there are more threats of nuclear wars happening, and there is an increase of mentions of possible war. Scripture tells us that the end of times won’t be a peaceful time, and we aren’t in a peaceful time currently. We have terrorists of many forms and hateful groups even within our own country who have made threats of civil war. Earthquakes continue to increase in magnitude and occurrence, and we have been battling pestilence since right before 2020. We have many nations who are against each other and ready to war. Think about Afghanistan right now and how terror groups are sadly harming their own people. Or how tensions continue to rise between countries. As Matthew 24 notes, this is just the beginning and that is true because eventually God’s people will be taken out of this earth before the tribulation period. And in the Tribulation period there will be way worse things than what is going on now. I want all to be saved right now before the tribulation because it is a horrible thing to go through, and because we don’t know when our last breath will be. A few verses later in Matthew we learn about an increase in lawlessness and people becoming heartless, and how the gospel will continue to fill the entire earth, which I want to do out of love for all of you. I will post those verses of Matthew below, and then I want to share some of my specific testimony and how you can be certain of your future.

And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray. And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end will be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. Matthew 24:11-14 ESV

                                                                        My service dog and best friend Mikki

I accepted Jesus as my Lord and savior when I was around 8 years old, after getting in trouble with some children at the playground and realizing just how much I messed up. It was at that moment that I knew I could not keep up with the perfectionist/ perfect behavior that I wanted to, and I knew God was real after being taught about Him from my parents. I heard God tell me that He loved me and He would forgive me, and that is when I said yes to Jesus being my Lord. At the time I felt so shameful for the things I had said to the other kids when we had a fight, and I thought that I was unlovable. Yet, God drew near to me and let me know he was there and wanted me to know him and experience his love. It was an incredible experience that I want everyone else to experience because throughout my life I have continued to hear God lavish his love upon me. He loves you all too. When I was a little younger I would sing songs about Jesus and talk about how much I loved Him, but it was when I was a little older that I realized I needed him. We can accept Christ at any age, and everyone’s story is different. Just because I wasn’t someone who was living a very sinful life before being saved, doesn’t mean my story is any less valid and vice versa. Also contrary to what many non believers think, becoming a Christ follower does not mean that we QUIT sinning. Rather, we have the strength from Christ to say no to our temptations. But until we die and go to Heaven, we struggle with our sinful desires. What changes us is Christ living in us and us allowing him to do so. Christians are no better than a non believer, we simply have acknowledged that we are broken and we need Jesus to save us. We make the same mistakes as non believers and sometimes repeatedly commit a sin, but we don’t fear hell anymore because Jesus paid that price on the cross. Once saved, a believers calling is to share the gospel with whoever the Lord puts in their path because we love all people and wish for all to be saved, just like Jesus does. I’m going to be honest that I struggle a lot with living a Christ centered life. A lot of times I get off track, I fall into temptation, or I don’t spend enough time in God’s Word. However, I am grateful that as his child, I can ask for forgiveness and get back up again.

For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast. Ephesians 2:8-9

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus Romans 3:23-24 ESV

For God so loved the world,[a] that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him. John 3:16-17 ESV

Later on my first year of college was when I decided to pursue God more regularly and understand more of the relationship we have with Jesus once saved. When I was younger, I still didn’t grasp the importance of spending time one on one with God and in the Bible, and I was afraid to share the gospel with others over fear of what they would think of me. That all changed spring quarter of my freshman year of college. During spring break I was invited to go on a mission trip to Panama City Beach, Florida, to witness to other spring breakers. The first day on the beach I was really nervous, but I knew people needed to hear the truth and that mattered more than my temporary social anxiety. I was paired with another freshman girl and a sophomore named Tyler, and we prayed and then began walking up the shore. Tyler asked if we felt the Holy Spirit leading us to anyone, and while the other girl did not, I felt drawn to a young woman sitting by herself on the beach. Little did I know this was a divine appointment set up by God until we got to talking with her. She was very friendly and happy that we had stopped by to talk with her and she had knew about God, but didn’t have a relationship with Jesus. We all began telling her about ourselves and breaking the ice when I discussed my little sister having Autism, and then I found out she had a brother with Autism. As time went on God gave me the words to say and I could feel Him at work in her heart, and in ours. That was the start of a beautiful week and many more spring breaks of going to share the gospel. But it didn’t end there, for I still have a longing for the lost today and a pull towards those who need to know about the love of Jesus.

                                                       Three friends I made my first time on the mission trip in FL

Two years later, I met my now husband at the college library where we were both working. When I first met him I knew something was special about him, and I felt God letting me know it was okay to get to know him, for I was afraid of dating an emotionally abusive prior relationship. First Robbie and I would just talk about my computer science class and how he was majoring in that, and how he wanted to help me with that class because I was struggling (and I am usually a straight A student haha). We also talked about our favorite animals, music, and all the typical things you say when getting to know someone. Then the topic of Jesus came up, actually by him. He wanted to know what my beliefs were. So I shared that I was a Christian and that Jesus was my Lord and Savior. I then asked him what he believed and he said he really liked Jesus, but he didn’t have a religion. Many actually would have wanted to me walk away right then because he wasn’t a Christian. But I didn’t because I knew God was at work and Robbie was placed in my life right at the moment and for a reason. So we began going on dates and he would stay up with me until 3 am in the living room of the house I lived in helping me with my computer science projects. My other housemates were awestruck at how patient he was with me and how much time he dedicated to making sure I passed that class. All the while whenever I got the chance I would talk about the things that give me joy and how God has blessed me. One night he said that he noticed I had God’s favor and said that he wanted that for himself too. And I told him that he could if he accepted Jesus as his Savior. A few months later he decided to join me on the spring break mission trip and the first night he was there he prayed with a leader for Jesus to be his Savior. I never knew how beautiful my love story would be; that God would use me, a girl next door type, to help someone become a child of his.

                                        One of the first pictures of my husband and I back when we were dating

I am a firm believer that everyone we come across in this life is for a reason, especially those that we begin to develop friendships and/ or relationships with. I don’t even know why I wanted to take the computer science class in the first place, but I know it was part of God’s plan, just like him putting it on my heart to work at the library my junior year, which is where I met my soulmate and has been my favorite job I’ve ever had for many reasons. I have made friends in all places and even online and I know that is also part of God’s plan. One of my new good friends that I hope ends up being a friend for life recently said that she hopes what she does is enough for her to be saved. I want to share with you the amazing news that there is a way we can be certain that we are saved and our eternal destination is secured. Nothing we do can ever be enough to save us because we are sinners. Don’t lose hope though because Jesus came into this world and died on the cross so that he paid our debt and we can be free of our sinful nature by accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior.

So how does one become saved? Do we need to get our act together? Do we need to know all the answers to many questions we have? Thankfully no. God accepts us just as we are and where we are at. There will always be questions both non believers and believers alike have, and some we can find the answer to, while others we won’t know until eternal paradise. But if you have a little faith, just enough to desire to know God and his son Jesus to be your Savior, then that is all you need. God draws near to us and opens our hearts so that we will accept him. He desires all to be saved and is actually working day and night to show you who He is and to develop a personal relationship with you. If you find yourself thinking about God, eternity, and having curiosity questions God is already at work. He is patiently waiting for you to make the decision to follow Jesus. I believe if you are reading this you are being drawn to God and he is eagerly awaiting the moment you accept Jesus, and I believe you will. All it takes is admitting that we are broken and in need of Jesus as our savior, and asking him to forgive us for our sins. If you want to be sure that you are going to Heaven and you are ready, just go ahead and tell Jesus that you believe He is Lord of all, that you want him to be your savior, and ask if he could forgive you of your sins. If you believe that in your heart when you pray it, congrats you are now a child of the most high king! Everything else will fall into place as Jesus will continue to work on your heart throughout the rest of your life. And the amazingness begins now! We don’t just have to look forward to Heaven; we can look forward to now. Because God has a perfect plan for your life and desires to lavish you with love now and guide each step of your life <3.

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9 NIV

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8 NIV

This life can be really hard at times, and until Jesus returns this world is broken because of the curse of sin. While it can be easy to lose heart at times, as believers we know we have a hope that is certain and that God keeps his promises. He promises that there will be a day when there are no more tears or sorrows, and we will live in perfection with Him. He also promises to never leave our side and that he has a good plan for our lives both now and eternal. God promises to provide our needs and desires, and I can say first hand he has done this in my life. More than once, I have almost faced death. In my other blogs I talk more in detail, but there has been more than one instance where I could have been crushed in a car accident. But each time God intervened. The one time if he wouldn’t have dispatched an angel I wouldn’t be here writing this right now. My mom and I, along with my late dog Luke were in the car on the way back from me graduating college with all of my belongings. Someone ran a light as we were turning and I knew for sure we were going to be crushed because they were speeding at least 70 miles per hour. I screamed out the name of Jesus and pushed my dog onto the floor, expecting to be crushed. Yet we were fine. We felt a huge force move our car over and the other car flew past, just barely missing us. People had already jumped out of their cars expecting to need to help us and were just as amazed as we were. God intervened because it wasn’t our time yet. A few years later I had a seizure in my sleep and I stopped breathing. My service dog Mikki woke my husband up and began nudging me so that I would start breathing again. She was on top of me making sure I was okay. When my husband and I were first married he had been laid off and it was really hard to make ends meet, so I was working two jobs. But God provided a way for us to have food in addition to me working, and he eventually gave Robbie a temporary job until he found a full time job in his field. When my first dog died, God already had another special dog lined up that would take care of my heart, and my health as my next service dog. Even in really hard times now financially, or health wise, or even the desire for companionship, God has made a way. I know he won’t stop now and I know he wants to do the same for you!

And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. 4 ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’[b] or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” Revelation 21:3-4 NIV

Delight yourself in the LORD, and He will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4 ESV

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19 NIV

Some may believe that because of science there isn’t a God. Nonetheless, science actually proves God’s existence. The magnitude of the universe, and even our galaxy the Milky Way (what my dog Mikki is named after), demonstrates that there is a creator. The precision of our bodies, how perfectly the earth is placed in the universe, where just a little bit further away or closer would result in it being inhabitable, also declare God’s glory. The love animals show us, the fact that we desire to gain more knowledge and love each other again point to God. We are made in God’s image. God is real and God loves you. He made you for a reason and he wants to get to know you. But he doesn’t force this; we have to make the decision for ourselves. All other religions put an emphasis on dogma or rituals being what saves us, and if you have been in one of those and feel as if they were empty, you'd be correct because Jesus is the only way and we can’t save ourselves on our own. I hope and pray this has encouraged you and that I have gained (or soon will gain) another sister/ and or brother in Christ. God bless you <3.

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6 NIV