Friday, March 29, 2019

About me

Hello everyone <3 I realized that after a few years of blogging on and off for a few years, I never really talked who I am as a person. Of course I am a born again Christian saved by Christ’s grace, but I never talked about my interests, hobbies, etc. that make me “me” lol. So, here is a little about me section. First off, I just checked my blog viewer count and I need to say I am honored that I am just a few views away from getting 700 views on my most recent blogpost “When a Christian meets Chronic Illness”. I love that my story has touched and reached so many people. When I first started this blog I did one post and then didn’t blog again for another two years. I thought that my life wasn’t really worth sharing and that I wasn’t adequate enough, to be honest. Then one day I decided to share my testimony of how God worked in my life through my undergrad years at Ohio University and was amazed when I heard that my testimony touched the lives of others. It was then that God showed me that he wants me to use my voice to reach those who are hurting, lost, need encouragement, and just to be a blessing to anyone that comes my way. I doubted that I was good enough and that I would ever be someone that others could be inspired by. But alas, here we are and I am so grateful that God has begun to use me in a big way.

When I first started blogging I had no idea that I would have so many trials yet to come my way. I also couldn’t see ahead to see how each trial has shaped me into who God wants me to be as an individual, growing more to the likeness of Christ with time. Each trial was difficult and brought sorrow, but God also brought blessings through each one, as he promises that all things work out good for those who believe in Christ Jesus. I have had a lot of deaths these past few years, and several near death experiences for my father ,as well as myself. But despite that God is good and my dad is still here as am I. I may have lost a few pets and my uncle Steve, but I have gained some amazing animals too. I know that I will see my uncle Steve, Becca, Dusty, Luke Bryan, Marina, and Gingerale again and that helps me keep going, along with the peace God gives that surpasses all understanding. I may have quite a few chronic illnesses that have shaken my life up quite a bit, but they aren’t going to hold me back from being successful.

So where to start? My name is Angelica and I was born in Columbus, Ohio. I attended Ohio University for my Bachelors in Journalism in Athens, Ohio and then went on to complete a Masters in Organizational Communication (similar to a Masters in Business) online. I found my soulmate while working at the campus library my junior year of college and we got married June 24th 2016, the summer after finishing my Bachelors degree. Our wedding was a beautiful outdoor wedding at a golf course and I was surrounded by all my loved ones and friends. I can’t think of a day that I have ever been as happy or felt as loved as that day. We got married next to a gazebo by a creek and it was amazing. I love the summer, being outdoors, and water so it was perfect. Plus the sun was out <3. After getting married we were thrown into many trials but God lived up to his faithful promises and he provided every need. Now I am currently looking for a job with my Masters and my hubby is being promoted at his job. We have been very blessed indeed. I speak of the trials we have overcome and how God has been good to us in many of the blog posts I have made. I would love for you to check them out if you haven’t already :).

So what makes me, “me”? I love dogs so much, cats too, but dogs are my favorite because I love how biddable they are and that they can travel with me. Plus I am now allergic to cats so I can’t have them anymore. If I could spend an entire day telling you all about how to train a dog, what the best breed would be for you specifically, why my dogs are the best, and why Pomeranians are the absolute best breed trust me I would use the entire 24 hours. I love to take care of my three dogs Mabel( Mae Mae), Milky Way(Mikki), and Maui. Mae Mae is our long-haired chihuahua and is my husband’s dog through and through. Mikki and Maui are attached to my hip and our pomeranians. Mikki is my other heart dog after Luke, and she is extra special. For starters she is the sweetest dog and so smart. But also she is my service dog. She is able to alert and respond to rises in cortisol from my anxiety, she can alert to migraines, and she is my seizure alert dog too. She is truly amazing. Pomeranians are so smart, so gentle, so loving, and of course they’re cute! We did have four dogs at one point and I miss that number, so eventually we may just need one more floof.

Besides my love for dogs I love nature and summer is my favorite season. I enjoy taking walks and hikes with my husband and my dogs. I love late summer nights by a bonfire sharing smores and having deep conversations with people I am close to. I love people and I love connecting with people. I enjoy traveling, visiting new places and learning about other cultures. If I could I would travel the whole world! I also have a passion for writing(I am sure you couldn’t tell) and teaching. My goal is to be a college professor and go for my PhD, and I hope to get my feet wet with teaching very soon. I enjoy encouraging others and helping others become the best they can be. I want others to see how good Jesus has been to me and how much Jesus loves them and wants to bless them too. I want to share joy with others. Winter is a really hard season for me because it is so dark and dreary. When spring arrives I can feel myself instantly feel more at peace and inspired by God’s beauty everywhere. Everything points to our marvelous creator, who creates masterpieces.

I enjoy music a lot! My favorite genres are Smooth Jazz, Bossa Nova, and Country, but EDM has some good genres too. There is no instrument more beautiful and soothing than the acoustic guitar. My husband used to joke that I don’t watch enough TV but I’ve been glued to it since I accidentally discovered a drama telenovela comedy Jane the Virgin. I really love romances and drama, so I guess it’s right up my ally haha. Petra, played by Yael Grobglas is the best character on the show. She may be a “villain” at first but once I understand her and see her growth to become a better person I was hooked. Oh and the actress is such as lovely person too. She is from Israel and she is a sweetie. I really would love to meet her one day because I feel like she and I have a lot and common and who wouldn’t want to meet their favorite actor or actress haha. So you could say I love to dream and I have big goals and dreams. But you know what? I got her to reply to a tweet of mine and she read one of my blog posts I sent her, so I really believe that dreams can come true.

Lastly, I have several chronic illnesses, many that didn’t show themselves until 2 or so years ago. I have epilepsy, chronic migraines, sensory processing disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and Poly Ovarian Cystic Disease. These all have been hard to deal with at times and some days I feel like such a failure. But God carries me through my trials with them and he has blessed me with the opportunity to encourage each of you who go through chronic illnesses, death, hardships, etc. If my hard times can help someone else see that God will bring them through their own hardships. If my life stories and experiences can help someone else give their life to Jesus by asking him to be their Lord and Savior. If my blog can encourage and bless others, than I am blessed and so happy that God has chosen to use me, someone who is broken and a mess, yet he still loves me. Thank you all for your love, support, and for reading. May God bless you abundantly <3. I am going to be 26 in a few days and my heart is full!

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